Sunday 9 December 2012

Gluten-free Mince Pies

Here is my recipe for Gluten-free Mince Pies. I always put holly leaves on the top to easily distinguish them from the ordinary ones which I decorate with stars!
I use my usual recipe: using 8oz Doves Farm Gluten Free Plain White Flour (see my metric conversion chart on the page above); 2oz hard margarine; 2oz cooking fat; a pinch of salt and 5 tbsp of water.
Turn your oven to 190° Centigrade,    375° Fahrenheit or Gas Mark 5. Use your food processor, or rub the fat into the flour in the traditional way, then add the water little by little as you mix it in the processor or with a knife. Unlike ordinary pastry, it won't hold together, so wrap it in a large sheet of cling film, easing it into a ball, and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, stir in a tablespoon or two of brandy into your jar of mincemeat to give it a lovely Christmassy flavour!
When the pastry has rested, open the cling film carefully, and place another sheet on the top of the dough. This means that you can roll it out successfully without it sticking to the rolling pin. Cut out your shapes with your cutters and then roll the remaining pieces into a ball again and repeat until all the pastry is used. I found that this quantity made 18 mince pies with holly tops, but if you made little lids, you would probably get about 12.
They are delicious eaten warm, dusted with icing sugar. They will freeze, and after defrosting, warm them up in the microwave to make them taste as if they've just come out of the oven!
What are you waiting for? Enjoy some with a glass of mulled wine!

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